i was an awper before with below avg rifles and now my rifle skill has sky rocketed as i produce instant headshots.

i have been doing it for a couple of months only. trust me on that.if i put them on firing mode then i will wasting time half the time and spraying more.

so there is never ending aiming for one hour. but i play deathmatch with them on knives. i do it for 2000 kills which takes an hour. but with knifes you would aim proper forgetting about dying and make one style permanent with no bad habits. You guyz who play against bots who fire back are wasting time as you still do bad things cuz you don't like dying. i just burst headshot while strafing again and again. i put about 15 bots with knife against me who are coming at me all the time(luxzbots). how aim gets better? repetition of aiming at the head. playing against bots who fire is of no use really.