Consult an astrologer to get a detailed analysis of your chart now. Provided, placements of Saturn, Rahu and Ketu are not in malefic positions in the chart. So, 2nd house of D-9 shows the Wealth you are “making” after marriage, .If Jupiter and Venus are in your 2nd, 5th, 7th, 9th, 10th and 11th house, you will attract wealth. used wood burning fireplaces for sale So, today is the 2nd article on divisional charts and it is Navamsha Chart or. The position and play of planets in the Navamsha shows clearer result in the Na. If the 10th lord in 2nd house, vargottamam is goodThe Navamsha is said to be the fruit of the tree - the D 1 or the Rasi Chart. 2nd lord and 10th lord denote how (well) an individual earns his money, thru his efforts of work (10th house). 2nd denote, among others, Dhanam (Dhan sthan), fixed deposit, fiance etc. 10th house and its lord is an important position in a chart. 2nd house indicates overall wealth and resources. Navamsa/ D9 Chart For Career and Marriage Prediction In Vedic Astrology: The D9 chart can be used as a Supplementary or additional chart of the D1 The 12th house of 7th house is the 6th house which indicates taking money (salary) from an employer.